
The 'Possum Blog The 'Possum Blog

...from the people who bring you The Monkey Cage
No, asshole, we're not "giant rats" - we're American's ONLY Marsupial - Didelphis marsupialis
did you know we have opposable thumbs like you idiot humans!?

January 16th, 2005 

It was 7:43AM this morning and I had just (successfully obvisously) crossed the northbound exit 348 on I-95 and had been over dumpster-diving at an old shitty Burger King when I smelled that smell; the smell of warm, fresh death mixed with the smell of rotting Burger King Whoppers.
Over by the bushes I found her - this is my sister's best friend - Jean - I'm not sure of her last name. (I think it might be Jenkins but I'm not sure - seems my sister had said some called her "JJ" so maybe it is Jenkins - if I get her last name I'll update with it later.)
Recognize her?:
I rolled her over and checked her pouch for babies - there were none thankfully.
I'm told Jean frequented this shitty Burger King's dumpster on the weekends - I think she was hit at the northbound exit 348 and from what I can tell some dickhead human tossed her body behind the dumpster.
From the damage to her body and investigation I'm guessing it was a white Volvo Station Wagon that nailed her.
We 'possums are nocturnal - we run around at night - you human dickheads are the opposite - humans are "diurnal":
di·ur·nal  Pronunciation Key  (d-ûrnl) adj. Occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night
So you're OUR world when you drive around at night you bastards.


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