
The 'Possum Blog The 'Possum Blog

...from the people who bring you The Monkey Cage
No, asshole, we're not "giant rats" - we're American's ONLY Marsupial - Didelphis marsupialis
did you know we have opposable thumbs like you idiot humans!?


Last night:

Linda Cartman - I-95 Southbound lanes - 1984 Dodge Lancer. Linda and I actually dated a few months back. Her favorite spot was the Hardee's parking lot on 19th avenue and I'd take her there.

Tammy Hodgson - I-95 Southbound lanes - Dodge Ram pickup.

3 unidentified 'possum babies - names unknown - appear to have been flattened by a Lincoln Towncar. No mothers have come forward.

Are Linda, Tammy and these three babies better off DEAD and mutilated than they are living? Can death ever be better than life!?

If you ask me - hell yeah! Life is dodging cars and trucks, scampering around scared out of your wits every night, scrounging through dumpsters and garbage cans every night. But death is......no more. No more suffering, no more fear, no more tears and no more pain.

Even though I don't believe in the Great Possum and his "good book" - I still look forward to death, like a human might look forward to the end of a day and going to sleep.

But I know my death will be horribly violent also - I don't kid myself - I only hope it's as painless as possible - and quick - please don't let me lay writhing in pain in a ditch somewhere by I-95 - please let it be very fast and painless.

But my biggest hope about my death is that the car/truck that takes me out loses control, runs off the highway, rolls over a few times, bursts into flames and the human within is literally burned alive. And I'll lay there in my ditch and listen to the crackling of the car fire and hope the human within the burning wreckage dies slowly and that I die before he/she does.


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